Sergey Bratchuk, a representative for the Odessa military organization, affirmed the demise in a Telegram post. Individuals via virtual entertainment are pulling up for the Ukrainian public.

Who Is Alexei Sharov? Alexei Sharov is the Colonel of the Russian military who told the 810th Guards Separate Order of Zhukov Brigade in Marines. He was purportedly killed in the southern city of Mariupol.

He is the fifth colonel to die in the intrusion. Hence, his downfall brought the absolute number of Russian military pioneers killed to 15. Nonetheless, many sources have asserted that the number could be essentially as high as 20.

Putin has seldom recognized any passing of his commanders. Along these lines, Moscow has stayed hush-hush with respect to the real number of losses from the Russian Army.

Furthermore, Alexei’s demise news was declared following the killing of Colonel Nikolay Ovcharenko, Commander of the 45th Engineering Regiment.

Besides, President Zelensky said that 100,000 individuals have been caught in the city, which is encircled and under everyday shelling, in “obtuse circumstances.” He added that individuals live in a total barricade, no food, no water, no medication, under steady shelling.

Russian Colonel Killed In Mariupol Ideantifed As Alexei Sharov The Russian Colonel Killed in Maripoul is distinguished as Alexei Sharov. Anatoliy Stefan, a Ukrainian armed force official, tweeted about the passing news.

The quantity of death of higher-ups of the Russian military has gone to 15, however there are questions that the number ould be more since Russia has stayed cryptic about the setbacks.

— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) March 23, 2022

Putin has just affirmed the insight about one general to date. In any case, the Ukrainian Army has been giving updates on the setbacks from Russia’s side.

Russian General Deaths Continue As Alexei Sharov Becomes fifteenth To Be Killed Russian General passings go on as Alexei Sharov accumulates in the rundown of setbacks. Notwithstanding, Putin has not said any words with respect to it in the media.

His tactical keeps on losing its commandant, and the nation is experiencing the most awful loss of military pioneers.