Who is Alex Irvin? It was in 1988 that 18-year-old single parent of one, Katrina Cooke Brownlee, first went over Rikers Island Correctional Officer Alex Irvin by unadulterated possibility. She was battling while at the same time residing in the Brevoort lodging projects, though he had a home, a steady profession, and a weapon, implying that Katrina trusted he’d protect them once their relationship started. Tragically, that was not in any way the case – he really transformed into her victimizer, beginning by truly and physically taking advantage of her soon after they moved in together and invited their own girl into this world.


Katrina Brownlee As indicated by Katrina, Alex was a truly “kind accomplice from the get go,” however at that point, it was simply “five years of assaulting, tormenting, securing me storage rooms.” She called 911 a few times during this period with expectations of getting help, yet she asserts that each time he streaked his identification, the authorities eased off 100% of the time. Maybe he had control over everything, which is the reason it took her until 1992 to take her two little girls and head out in different directions from her then-life partner for great. Notwithstanding, when she got back to their once-home to get some garments on January 9, 1993, he was holding on to get his payback.

Nearly when a five-month pregnant Katrina ventured inside, Alex pointed his administration weapon at her and said, “This is the day you die, b-h.” He shot her once in the stomach, on the other hand, and once more, and once more, until she fell and the projectiles basically struck all over, including her hindquarters. The prison guard exhausted his pistol twice at his ex throughout the span of 90 minutes, and after each shot, he halted and offered something as per “Are you prepared to die?,” “Is this the day you will die?,” and “You realize you merit this, Katrina.”

Where could Alex Irvin Now be? The surprising appearance of a family companion saved Katrina Brownlee’s life on that pivotal day, however for Alex Irvin, even his identification couldn’t safeguard him from this. With the observer, the violent crime location, and the proof from his weapon, he was captured for endeavored murder inside only hours. While anticipating preliminary in province prison, the previous city official really called Katrina and said, “This is what the future holds the proceedings]. You will tell [them] you shot yourself multiple times.” The stunning part, however, is that she contemplated doing as such in light of the fact that she was as yet terrified of him.

Fortunately, the requirement for that never emerged as the horde of substantial confirmation against him drove Alex to enter a blameworthy supplication not long before his preliminary was to initiate. He was condemned to five to 15 years in jail yet was at last delivered released early 2003. Having said that, he was denied parole no less than two times prior, with the load up comprehensively asking him how he could’ve been so awful to venture to reload his gun and continue to fire. Coming to his present whereabouts, Alex has since moved out of New York, and it seems like he currently likes to avoid the spotlight.