Other than that, consumers and other people have frequently asked who Omaha Steaks uses for shipping. Omaha Steaks uses none other than FedEx for any shipment of their products or any other packages. Many of us might know the shipping process and other services offered by FedEx to the consumers in the market. 

Interestingly, FedEx being a multinational shipping company not only ships the products from Omaha International but from other such companies as well. So, if you are looking for any companies that are related to FedEx in shipment then they have all been revealed on their official website. 

How are products shipped through FedEx?

Shipping food products from one place to another could be a difficult task for the shipping company. This is because almost all foods need to be shipped within a limited period. If they are passed over that limited period then the food will start to lose its fragrance and taste. 

In the same way, FedEx needs to manage all the products well before shipping. This is especially strict when the company needs to ship food materials. The products that are sent for shipping are packaged in such a way that they can stand natural cooling for 48 hours. Now, if food products can be kept in a cooling area then they take a longer time to go to waste.  

Most products that need to be shipped through FedEx are shipped overnight. Both the company ensures that all the products reach their destination within the given period. The steaks that are sent to other places in the country are fresh and they are never in a frozen state. Other than that, the company only ships products on Mondays through Thursdays. 

Order Process

The order-making process at Omaha Steak International is just the same as other online stores in the country. Ordering a steak or any other product sold at Omaha is easier than one could ever think of. The company ensures that no consumer faces any difficulty while ordering varieties of steaks from them. 

To order any product from the steak company one will just need to dial the official phone number of the steak house company. The call will automatically be connected to a salesman or any call representative. Then they will be taking the order from the caller and all the relevant details that will be needed for shipment. 

This way the individual willing to place an order can easily place them through a call only. They will not need to go through the company’s official website and search for the product that they are looking for. Still, the company has an official website where an individual can make their respective order at no time. Other than that, the order delivery will take time as per the region, state, and area of the particular customer. 

Omaha Steaks Quality

Omaha has been in the American market for quite a long time now. The company knows how to attract customers by providing good and best quality products. This is one of the reasons why people around the country order steak from the company. 

The products sold at Omaha are all-natural and not frozen. The company ensures that no steaks are frozen because when they are frozen they lose nutrition. The headquarters of the company is located in the middle of the country. It is where they have a good or fair condition for raising the highest quality cattle on the farm. 

The company ensures that all the products sold at their company and shipped are natural. People often appreciate the company due to its natural and high-quality products. The steaks sold at Omaha are of excellent marbling which make the steaks most tender when cooked. Additionally, the steaks do not forget to be juicy when they are grilled with all the materials. 

Free Shipping from Omaha Steaks

The company always comes with great benefits and offers for all customers in the country. This is another way the steak company attracts consumers in the country. Free delivery is what most consumers in the country hunt for. 

The shipment is done through FedEx and they offer free delivery to most consumers in the market. Omaha Steaks ensures that no customers are charged shipping fees because they care for customers in the country. 


Omaha Steaks International has always been well-appreciated because of its high-quality products. On the other hand, FedEx, the world-famous shipping company, has been in the market for quite a long time now. The shipping process along with the packages done through them is just outstanding. No products have ever been damaged through FedEx.