Gas Stations usually come to the rescue with the best firewood available for you. But which gas stations sell firewood? You’ll find out this and more in this article plus other questions relating to the topic.

Gas stations that sell firewood in the United States include the Colorado Petrified wood gas station, Texas petrified wood gas station, Decatur gas station, and a host of others. It’s best to find the one near you and buy from there.

Finding gas stations around you has been made easier with the Firewood Scout. The website gives you the firewood dealers around you on their map in case you’re traveling or going camping. Luckily, twelve states and counting have listed their firewood dealers on this site making it even easier for you to find one near you.

Why Is It Not Advisable To Move Firewood Over Long Distances?

Transporting wood over a large distance is not advised because Emerald Ash Borer and a host of other insects and diseases that destroy firewood are easily spread during such movement. Due to this, it is advised you buy firewood from your locality or at least no matter than 100 miles away from you.

Also, storing of wood is an important factor here because wood should ordinarily not be exposed to moisture but still have access to sunlight. Transporting the wood over a long distance will expose it to moisture and it would start decaying.

How Do I Know The Best Firewood T Buy?

Well, buying firewood can be a tricky one if you’re new to it but with time, you’ll know the best dealers, and the best dealers sell the best wood! The best firewood is the one that burns smoothly when lighted and is found in your locality.

Firewood that has been seasoned, split, and not moved over a long distance has more burning time, fewer smokes, fewer pests, insects, and diseases, and is pretty affordable. To know seasoned firewood, take a look at its physical appearance. Seasoned woods are cracked on their ends with their barks peeling off and burning better than in seasoned woods.

This is because the seasoning process involves the wood sitting outdoors for 6 months or more to remove as much moisture as possible. The moisture removed from the wood is what cracks the ends of the wood and makes it dry enough to burn.

That’s why it is better you don’t buy firewood in stack yet. Buying bits and bits will let you know efficiently which firewood is better than the other than stacking them up.

Also, firewood burn time and quality depend on the type of wood it is. Hardwoods produce hotter flames and less smoked than softwoods. 

Is Gas Station Firewood Any Good?

While gas stations sell seasoned and spiced firewood for smooth burning, they are quite expensive. For instance, while a firewood dealer would sell a full cord of wood at $2.34 per cubic foot for a $300 cord, gas stations and stores would sell the same size for anywhere around $6 to $10.

So even though it is great to buy from gas stations, you will have to spend extra money on it than other sources.


Firewood is more or less a must-have at every home, especially in winter and its biting weather. Knowing the best firewood to buy and where to buy it from is important. In this article, we have looked at some gas stations that sell firewood in the united states.

Are There Things I Must Know Before Buying Firewood? Buying firewood is not some scary mission to embark on. It’s as easy as picking up groceries in a store. You get better and know the best dealers with time.

In general though, before buying firewood, it is good to find a local dealer. You can do this on Craiglist, Facebook Market, and other local marketing sites. You should see the firewood or at least pictures of it to know if has been split and seasoned.

Then, you should buy small at first and after using it, you can decide to buy more to avoid infesting your fireplace with insects and all. Ask questions before buying the wood. You should know the type of wood it is, when and where it was cut and stored, the price of a cord, and more.

You should also survey to know the current price and go pick it up yourself after inspecting. With these, you should be able to buy great wood even as a first-timer.

How Do I Find Local Dealers? Facebook Marketplace is a great place to search for local dealers. You can also check on Craiglist or the Firewood scout website if your area is among the ones listed there.

If you live in or around towns like Colorado, you can find local dealers in the Colorado Forest Products Database or any such database available in your area.