About Yogurt starter and how to find

Yogurt starters are for the times you choose to go one step healthier and make your yogurt at home. Yogurt has a sweet and tangy taste together with a thick and creamy texture that comes from certain ingredients and processes. Many people like to spend hours making yogurt the traditional way but yogurt starters have come into the market to give you an enhanced and more efficient way of preparing yogurt. It has certain properties that when added to milk and made the right way, can change the taste of the milk together with its texture to give what you call homemade yogurt. 

Where to find yogurt starter 

Yogurt starters, as mentioned earlier are as good as an essential item and can be found at almost any grocery, food, supermarket, or store of the like. What is important is to know where to find the same. While the product is largely found in the dairy aisle, certain stores may have it in other sections. Here are a few well-known stores that you can check to get your yogurt starter: 


One of the places to check for yogurt starters is the Wegmans store. Though it is unlikely that they’d have many options to choose from, you can always head to their dairy section and have a look at their refrigerator. If not, you can always opt for the plain yogurt that also acts as a starter for your homemade yogurt. 


Kroger mainly has two brands of yogurt starters namely real and yogourmet. These have ample flavors to choose from. You can find the yogurt starters at Kroger’s online or in their pantry, dairy, or even their natural and organic products aisles. Their yogurt starters are more on the natural side and in the case of Kroger’s, you can look for the same in the naturals section.


At Walmart, you can find innumerable products and yogurt starters are one of them. The first place to look at a Walmart store for yogurt starters is the dairy section. If not there, you can also check the frozen items section or the packed food section. However, it is most likely found in the dairy section given its storage instructions. Walmart offers a variety of yogurt starters like non-dairy, freeze-dried, gluten-free, and other types of yogurt starters. Choose from ample brands, types, and combos.  


Target is among the stores that are as good as a maze. While being a supermarket and grocery store, they also have a wide range of other products like clothing, tools, homeware, etc. Therefore, one can’t say that you’d find the best options for yogurt starters at Target. However, the stores have them at times and they can be found in the dairy section again. It would still be better to get regular yogurt from Target and add it to your milk and make your yogurt. 


The yogurt maker is an excellent addition to your kitchen. Trying to make yogurt at home can be an enriching experience. Perhaps if you get the right brand and flavors and all goes well, you’ll not hop to stores for yogurt but have them freshly made at home. Check any grocery or supermarket’s dairy section which has the most chances of holding yogurt starters. 

How much does a yogurt starter cost? 

There are different price ranges for yogurt starters based on brand, combo, net weight, and so on. While some may be priced at 2$, some could also go up to 10$.

What does a yogurt starter look like? 

A yogurt starter could be dried powder or even in liquid form. It mostly comes in packs or boxes but may differ depending on the brand.