Where to buy Distilled Water?

It is obtained by boiling the water into vapour and condensed into liquid afterwards. This process is done in a separate container and the process is referred as ‘distillation’ and that obtained condensed liquid(water) is termed as distilled water.

Uses of Distilled Water:

It is used for many purpose to literally every purpose. From drinking to medicinal uses. Some of the common uses are given below:

Medical devices: Using distilled water in medical device for cleaning it to ensuring no bacteria left over it. As a cooling system: As it prevent electrolysis as it can be used as coolantWatering flora: As it is purest form of water so, it is used in watering in plants for growing them faster and stronger. For aquarium life: Mixing with tap water to remove impuritiesDrinking: As it is purest water form it can be used by human for drinking Laboratory uses: Distilled water removes all impurities more than filtering and deionization waterCosmetic uses: Used as a solvent in cosmetic product Cleaning: Excellent in cleaning without leaving any residue behind

Where to buy it?

Now after knowing details of distilled water such as  what is distilled water to  it’s uses, lets come to the question that where to buy it.

As it has many applications and uses it can be found very easily in any market, like some of them are mentioned below for your knowledge from where you can find it:

Grocery StoreMedical StorePharmacy areaWater SuppliersBaby Section StoresOnline ApplicationsSupermarkets Near you Home Installation Water DistillersHouse Delivery

Some of the places from where you can buy it in a bottled form :

Water Distillers for installing at your home or offices for your convenience to buy from and product related to it  :

H2olabs. comMidi Classic Automatic Water DistillerMega Classic Automatic Water DistillerSteam Pure Countertop Water Distiller

Shortage of distilled water

As of high demand of distilled water some places sold out of it and get shortage of distilled water.

The main reasons for shortage of distilled water are given below:

Lack of storage capacityStorages for itSuppliers chain getting low shortageAs demand of distilled water risesHigh demand Lack of labour powerConsumer demand is getting high

Is distilled water pure?

Answer: It is one of the purest water available. It is 99.99% pure which is very far from any other source of purification of water available in market. As it is free from all impurities, minerals and electrolytes present in water by the process of condensation make it purest form of water.

Is Distilled water safe for drinking?

Answer: As saying in short, it is safe for drinking distilled water because distillation process is considered a natural process which removes impurities from the water. But it will not to be considered for drinking purpose because it also does not contain any minerals which are beneficial for us and make it imbalance in your body.

Is there a Shortage of Distilled water?

Answer: Yes, there has been some shortage of distilled water in many countries since 2017. And since covid times, also contribute to shortage of distilled water.

Is distilled water expensive to buy?

Answer: As you are going it to buy from a store such as local stores, medical store than it may cost expensive to you but if you install the distiller at your home than it does not cost you expensive and you can use it at your comfort of your own home rather than buying it again and again from the stores. However, if you want it for single use than you can buy it from the stores rather than installing it at your home.

Is distilled water better than filtered water?

Answer: Distilled water is better than filtered water because of these reasons:

It is more effective in eliminating impurities, and make water pure than the filtered water. It doesn’t required filter cartridge for replacing dirty filters like filtering machine do.

 What is the distilled water in taste ?

Answer: It is tasteless. As it doesn’t contain any minerals and other than H20 it has nothing extra in it. So, it is flat in taste and people considered it as in off taste.

 Is rain water considered as distilled water or not?

Answer: As the process of rain water production and distilled water production same that is evaporation and condensation process. So, rain water is also formed by distillation process. That’s why we can considered rain water as distilled water but not completely as it is in contact of environment and environmental factors affecting it.