In the episode of “Destructive Women: DIY Burial” that airs on Investigation Discovery, the watcher is taken through the terrible instance of Patricia and how the police had the option to get her eventually. Who definitively is this Patricia Silberstein, then, at that point? How about we find out!

Who is Patricia Silberstein? Patricia Silberstein was born in Yonkers, New York, in the long stretch of October in 1953. In 1974, Patricia was filling in as a representative at a Wall Street Bank at 20 years old. She was a remarkable specialist who succeeded in both desire and tirelessness.

Patricia’s new working environment is where she got to know Anthony “Tony” Wojcik, who was 26 years of age at that point. The two promptly associated with each other. Both were going through their own separations at that point, and after only one month of dating, they moved in together.

Patricia knew that Tony had an energy for gems and much of the time gave him gold chains and rings as presents. Significantly more incredibly, she got a tattoo of his name during when something like this was substantially less typical than it is today. Inside a brief timeframe, the charm started to decrease in a progressive way.

Patricia arrived at the resolution that Tony’s obligation to her was basically shallow when he started gathering different ladies and made no endeavor to hide this reality from her. He was a frightful alcoholic as well as being faithless, which was his other significant blemish in character.

Tony endured with liquor addiction. Over the span of the day, he was drinking liquor. At the point when Patricia coincidentally poured the contents of his jug through the window one day, he actually attacked her and battered her decently harshly. Patricia started to see Tony for who he truly was not long later.

In 1976, she cut off her relationship with him, quit from her work, and moved to Mount Vernon, New York. Patricia and her brother opened an auto fix firm together in that area. What’s more, she began dating a renewed person.

Then again, Tony wouldn’t simply leave her like that. He kept on calling her and irritate her, and at one point he even undermined her. At a certain point, he ran into her outside and defied her. At the point when she got into her vehicle, he went after it, broke the window, and took her chains and different gems.

Eventually, Patricia reached the resolution that she would deal with the circumstance all alone. On May 19, 1976, Patricia gave Tony her agree to meet, however just under specific circumstances. She drove him to her store subsequent to getting him in her vehicle and taking him there. She expressed that on that day Tony was additionally tanked, and that he endeavored to kiss her in a forceful way.

Patricia stated that Tony smacked her across the face after she turned down his methodologies after she became repelled by him. Then again, she was totally ready this time. She figured out how to move away from him, get a twirly doo that was put away next to the driver’s seat, and rush toward the Mount Vernon incinerator, which was situated on the property quickly nearby her shop.

Tony, who was inebriated at that point, endeavored to pursue her yet staggered and tumbled down the flight of stairs. Patricia had her cudgel prepared, and she started to beat him until she broke his skull and made his cerebrum begin pouring out.

Patricia, in a condition of frenzy, tossed him within one of the incinerators and took off from the scene as blood was splattered all over the place. She went to his home in the Bronx, which was situated at 125 Mount Hope Place, and caused it to seem like somebody had broken in and taken his effects. Tony, nonetheless, was as yet alive, and he had the option to slither out of the cavern.

He kept on draining out until he dropped from hypovolemic shock. At the point when the police came, it didn’t take them long to understand that the suspect’s ex worked in the structure nearby to where the wrongdoing happened.

Is Patricia Silberstein Alive Today? Subsequent to being pulled in for cross examination, Patricia wailed and conceded that she was liable for the wrongdoing. In May of 1976, she was arrested and placed being investigated for homicide in the subsequent degree.

In July of 1977, a jury viewed as her at fault for murder, and she was condemned to over 22 years in jail for her wrongdoing. The appointed authority who gave over her sentence said the accompanying: “Patricia Silberstein was 22 years, 7 months, and 6 days old on the day that Anthony Wojcik was killed.” He went on by saying, “The jury felt that goal to kill was not laid out,” and that would be the sentence that she would get.

By the by, in light of the fact that she recorded an allure against her sentence, it was decreased to fifteen years. Subsequent to serving the whole of her term, she was at long last liberated in the year 1992. Her passing was because of normal causes and happened in her mid 40s, three years after her delivery in 1995.