I got to the end of my free trial on JustFab, but i haven’t seen a Skip The Month button. I don’t want to accidentally get charged for another month of stuff I don’t want and can’t return because I have gotten past the 28-days free trial period. Do you know if there is such a button, and if I will get charged automatically for another month without it? (I can’t remember what the email said about that.)

You can also see what other people are saying about JustFab in my comments here. That will give you an idea of what sort of service they provide. It might be good or not so good depending on your needs.

I wonder if the “Skip the Month” or one of their other statements on the page is what triggers them to start billing me automatically each month or not? Or maybe even something else like somewhere else in the order process online?

Basically, I’m wondering if there’s some way to skip the month entirely (without getting charged for it) and be none-the-wiser as far as getting billed again next month until I consciously go back into my account settings and make sure by watching myself get billed. If there isn’t such thing, is there a way I can bypass the auto-billing somehow?

That would really suck if they start billing me without my authorization or knowledge for another month after today. To be honest, I don’t even know what’s in all these boxes yet like “my personal stylist” and that I’m getting two more “hand-selected items”. So if they bill me for some of those things, that will just be annoying because it seems like most of these boxes are full sized products anyways. The only reason I get these is because: 1) they’re free; 2) it’s fun to try out new stuff and 3) some of them are different brands than I’d normally buy (and thus good to have around for friends and family).

Also, you’re right about the no-returns policy. I don’t really want to get stuck with stuff I wouldn’t otherwise have bought just because that’s how they roll here. Alright Steve, thanks for your help! -Steve

Hi again Steve… You wrote: If there isn’t such thing, is there a way I can bypass the auto-billing somehow? Well actually there are still ways of doing so, sorta… Read on.

Originally when you signed up for JustFab you set yourself up for automatic re-orders each month (and at first this was billed monthly to your credit card). So now after 28 days of receiving shipments every month since then, you’ve already been billed for one month. Now you want to cancel!

Here are your options:

  1. If you want the auto-shipments to keep coming each month without interruption, then you need to do nothing and let them charge your card again next month. They say that they will continue shipping out boxes every 28 days, although after the first two months they might start sending products from a different collection than before. Not sure how often they switch up their selections, or if all new collections are introduced at certain times of the year (or whatever).

  2. You can click the tick box on this page (after entering your username and password): https://www.justfab.com/user/home/my_subscriptions This will direct you to the “Manage Your Subscription” page. On this page there’s a section called “Cancel My Membership”. You click on that and then you’ll get this message:

If I cancel my membership, can I have a refund for the products I received and return them? Unfortunately, we cannot provide refunds or exchanges on any items already ordered or purchased from JustFab. Our goal is to provide you with amazing products that are hand selected because we think they would look great on you – simply return any product(s) that don’t fit your style or needs so we can continue to curate your box! 🙂 By clicking ‘Cancel’ below, you understand there are no returns available for any items ever received through JustFab.

If you read that, it means that they will not give you a refund or allow returns so if you should cancel now with just the 3 boxes out of hundreds that you’ve received, then too bad for ya! You’re stuck with those products forever (and no refunds). That’s their way of promoting “try before buying” and I guess that’s how they get people to take risks on new stuff? Also I would assume by reading this message further down: We may continue to send out individual product shipments every six months as part of your membership, even though you have cancelled the subscription. This is because we believe in our approach to bringing customers personalized style and fashion recommendations. Sometimes we’d like to share limited-time offers with you. If we do so, we’ll send only one shipment every six months as a courtesy because you may want to try out the products we’ve recommended for you based on your style preferences.

So it sounds like if you cancel your subscription now, they might still bill six months from now for just one more box of stuff… And that’s not something I would personally be comfortable with. At this point in time I wouldn’t cancel my subscription until after receiving their next round of boxes and seeing what new stuff is coming – but then again that doesn’t really matter because: 3) You can click here to unsubscribe from JustFab (this will not remove you from  all those emails from them teasing you about the newest stuff they want to sell you):

really… After the 28 day grace period is over, if you want to quit then gotta do something. I would click that link and unsubscribe before their next re-ordering month rolls around. At that point you’re like a sex offender on the run from JustFab – because who knows what they’ll send out at this point! The stuff in your closet will be all alone at an abandoned postal sorting center or whatever (I don’t know where things are sent when people are kicked off of these sites). In conclusion: Yeah so there ya have it 🙂 I’m not sure how helpful/interesting any of this really was for anyone looking to leave JustFab, but hopefully it helps someone.

Simply visit your online boutique or My Account between the 1st and the 5th of each month to skip that set of shipments. From the mobile app, tap on the “Account” tab and then “Account Info”. Scroll down to skip this month’s shipment.

If your account is not set to skip and you bump into the 5th of the month, we’ll automatically charge $39.95 for that cycle if it isn’t in a program. It will then show up as store credit on your account!

You can log into your account to shop or “skip the month” from the 1st until 5th of each month. If you don’t visit the site during this time period, we’ll charge you $39.95 for a member credit on the 6th and repeat every subsequent day from then onward.

day of the month (or 5th day following receipt of your New Selection) and you will not be charged for that month.

Fill in your contact address into a web browser.The app will then detect all of the subscriptions you have.Select the service you want to cancel, and confirm it has been canceled with a notification message.