What is my Driving License Number in UK
A driving Licence Number is a unique 16-character number for you. It is found underneath the license’s expiry date on your photo card driving license.
The Driving License Number will possess the starting first 5 letters of your surname. If your surname is less than 5 letters then the spaces of it will be filled with the number ‘9’.
Then the numbers demonstrating the year, month, and day of your birth will appear successively. The first and last number will be the year of your birth. The second and third numbers will be the month of your birth. The fourth and fifth digits will be the day of your birth.
This will be succeeded by the first two initials of your first name. But, if you seem to have only one initial then the number ‘9’ will be used as its replacement.
And then there are random digits produced by the computer which are considered a security measure.
You might also see a two-digit number on the right of the 16-digit license number; it is the ‘license issue’ number. This number seems to increase every time you get a new British Driving License.
What is a Provisional Driving License Number in UK?
If you seem to possess a learner’s license that contains a green photo card, then your provisional driving license number will be in the same place as it is located in the original driving license. You will find it below the expiry date. It is a sixteen-digit number.
If you pass your driving license test then you will have the same number in your learner’s license card carried onto your original license card. As it is a unique number composed just for you.
The only time when your license number will change is if you decide to change your name either due to marriage or because of a deed poll.
What is a Driving License Check Code?
A driving license check code is a code that allows you to share information regarding your driving license with anyone. It could be a car hire company, your insurance company, or an employer.
You will be provided an option to create your check code when you view your driving licence information online. The code is credible for a period of 21 days.
In some companies and places, you might be asked to provide the last 8 characters of your driving license.
What Driving License Information needs to be verified?
It is always beneficial to ensure that the information printed on your driving license is correct and updated. Like for example, is your birth date listed correctly?
If you decide to move from one house to another then it is important to get it changed in your address column in the driver’s license because not doing that will cost you a fine of 1000£.
You also need to keep in mind that a photo card driving license needs to be renewed every 10 years.
Is a Driving License Required to Get Car insurance?
If we look at it from a legal point of view then you aren’t required to provide your driving license number when obtaining your car insurance. Although, the insurers might require you to provide them with your driving entitlement and history.
You can choose to self-declare this information.
If you decline to share then some insurers might decline you the insurance.
When you share your driving license information with the insurance company it avoids any mistakes being made that might only invalidate future claims, and also protect you from being accused of some insurance fraud. As it gives the company the liberty to verify that whatever you have told them is correct.
Your driving license number will be underneath the expiry date mentioned in your license. Kindly, note that you will have to get your photo card driving license issued every 10 years so keep your license expiry date in mind. We have provided information related to the topic so that if you have any related queries it might be helpful for you.