ABC News’ ‘Soul of a Nation Presents: X/onerated – The Murder of Malcolm X and 55 Years to Justice’ centers around the dubious conviction and how Muhammad was gotten free from his association over fifty years after the fact. All in all, we should discover what happened then, at that point, will we?

The Case Against Muhammad Abdul Aziz On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X tended to a horde of allies at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan, New York. By then, at that point, he had parted from the Nation of Islam and stood up openly against their chief, Elijah Muhammad. Malcolm was additionally being kept an eye on by the FBI and the police, making for a strained circumstance in general. Simply seven days before this, his house was firebombed while he was inside with his family.

Only seconds after Malcolm made that big appearance at the assembly hall, different shooters hurried in and started terminating. Malcolm was hit a few times, and by 3:30 PM that day, he was dead. Everything except one of the assailants was caught when he was shot by one of Malcolm’s guardians. He was Thomas Hagan, later known as Mujahid Abdul Halim. He was an individual from the Nation of Islam from a mosque in New Jersey.

Afterward, the specialists captured two additional men who were individuals from Malcolm’s mosque in Harlem, New Jersey. They were Aziz and Thomas 15X Johnson (later known as Khalil Islam). Be that as it may, the captures came regardless of both having plausible excuses. Aziz was recuperating from leg wounds, while Islam said he was managing joint inflammation at home. Besides, a specialist vouched for treating Aziz in an emergency clinic in Bronx, New York, only hours before the death.

Aziz and Islam both said it was basically impossible that they might have entered the assembly hall that day since security would have halted them. As indicated by the team, the individuals from the Harlem mosque thought Malcolm was a double crosser and thus weren’t permitted to go to the occasion on February 21. At their preliminary in 1966, Halim vouched for his association in the homicide yet said Aziz and Islam were blameless of the wrongdoing. In addition to that, there was no actual proof that attached them to the homicide.

In any case, every one of the three were indicted and condemned to life in jail. Over 10 years after the fact, Halim marked an affirmation that named his assistants: four individuals from the Nation of Islam from a mosque in Newark, New Jersey. An attorney had likewise gained from FBI records that a witness discussed something like one individual from the professional killer bunch was from the Newark mosque. Halim likewise included subtleties and the preparation behind the death. Notwithstanding that, a movement to clear Aziz and Islam’s feelings was denied in 1978.

Throughout the long term, many generally accepted that the examination was messed up, an opinion reverberated by one of the investigators who chipped away at the case. Then, at that point, a Netflix docuseries called ‘Who Killed Malcolm X?’ highlighted years-long exploration from a local area expert named Abdur-Rahman Muhammad. As indicated by him, William Bradley, who was named as one of the four accessories by Halim, later changed his name to Almustafa Shabazz. Abdur-Rahman and different researchers accepted Almustafa discharged the shotgun that killed Malcolm. In any case, he denied having a say in the homicide and died in 2018. The other three ensnared in the death have likewise been accounted for to be dead.

Where could Muhammad Abdul Aziz Now be? Aziz was delivered released early 20 years in jail in 1985. Islam was delivered two years after the fact yet died in 2009. Considering the new examination and beforehand inaccessible archives unveiled, the Manhattan District Attorney’s office reinvestigated the situation in January 2020. As per the attorneys addressing Aziz, FBI archives were kept from the guard and indictment at the hour of the preliminary. Those archives contained exculpatory data that might have gotten the men free from doubt.

It was uncovered that a NYPD covert official was important for Malcolm X’s internal circle and was at the dance hall that day. However, this data was never uncovered to the arraignment. Records additionally showed that the FBI chief in those days, J. Edgar Hoover, requested sources not to uncover their work with the FBI. In November 2021, an appointed authority allowed a movement to clear Aziz and Islam.

After the decision, Aziz said, “While I needn’t bother with a court, examiners, or a piece of paper to let me know I am honest, I am happy that my family, my companions and the lawyers who have worked and upheld me such a long time are at last seeing reality we have all known authoritatively perceived.” In December 2021, Aziz sued the province of New York for his unfair conviction. Presently in his 80s, he’s kept on partaking in his much-merited opportunity and is by all accounts investing energy with family. However, Aziz has avoided public consideration, with his most recent area being New York.