The American narrative TV series Wives with Knives, which airs on Investigation Discovery, was made by David Frank of Indigo Films. The narratives of innumerable ladies who harmed their accomplices by carrying out wrongdoings are featured.

The program carefully describes the situation on what occurred before the assault and how Monica Fairview, Rob Kramer’s ex, arranged it.

Monica experiences folks like Rob to keep up with her lavish way of life. In any case, because of Rob’s interest for all out control and Monica’s propensity for show, the pair participates in an actual squabble that finishes with Monica betraying Rob.

Where Could Today Murderer of Monica Fairview be? Loot Kramer Using Knives to Stab Wives Monica Fairview gives off an impression of being a land dealer who presently dwells in Decatur, Texas. After a jury viewed Monica to be liable of serious attack, she was allowed an eight-year jail term in March 2013. Afterward, Monica was conceded her opportunity.

The show guarantees that in the wake of being released from the clinic, Rob put forth one more attempt at compromise with Monica. Be that as it may, they didn’t keep going long in light of the fact that he ultimately lied after swearing to tell the truth to shield her.

Loot doesn’t appear to be utilized the present moment, yet obviously he is an occupant of Frisco, Texas. At the point when Monica Fairview initially met Rob, she was at that point separated and fighting for authority of her youngster.

They got along perfect and chosen to get hitched in December 1998 therefore. The couple brought forth their girl barely a year after the fact.

Afterward, in the wake of separating Rob, Monica began dating once more. Deny once turned up on one of Monica’s get-aways in July 2009. In 2011, Monica had remarried and was visiting Rob in Atlanta, Georgia, for a concise timeframe.

Atlanta Dateline Monica Fairview Monica Fairview showed up at a show with her brother on September 24, 2011. Loot was very much aware that Monica would be taking their kid. He was vexed that Monica had left their girl at home when he returned home later.

— Ranker House_5 (@ranker_5) June 26, 2022

Burglarize then illuminated her by means of SMS that he was launching her from the home. It happened some place in the early morning long periods of September 25, 2011.

At the point when Monica returned home, as per the little girl, who was eleven at that point, she supposedly vowed to “wound him in the event that I needed to” prior to leaving the house while blazing a blade in her belt.

She momentarily ended the action in the patio prior to wounding him once with a hunting blade. By then, witnesses had previously dialed 911. Burglarize was luckily saved subsequent to being immediately taken to the clinic.

Insights concerning Monica Fairview mate and family Burglarize Kramer was the previous mate of Monica Fairview. On the web, not much is been aware of Monica’s loved ones. With Rob, she shares a girl.

Loot was shrouded in blood when Monica smacked him right in the face, as per observer declarations. Loot was luckily saved subsequent to being immediately taken to the medical clinic.

With respect to Monica, she was halted while taking her little child on a walk. She had likewise recorded the whole attack on camera, which eventually hurt her legitimate case. Loot supposedly kept away from actual contact with the other party during the quarrel.