The lady was kidnapped by a person recognized as Brandon Scott Lavergne when she was getting back from a companion’s home.

He then, at that point, killed her after a little battle. The feature of the digital recording was Mickey’s sister Charlene’ Charlie Shunick, who fronted the quest battle for her sister and went about as a representative for her family until further notice.

How did the episode occur? The heartbreaking occurrence occurred during the early long periods of 19 May 2012 when Mickey vanished while she was cycling back home. Subsequently, her everyday’s life changed everlastingly; they couldn’t praise her 22nd birthday or her brother’s graduation.

Nothing remained at that point but to wildly look for Mickey, with Charlie Shunick being the top of the inquiry. She did all that she would be able, from holding candlelight vigils and offering tips to beginning a Facebook page to spread mindfulness among individuals who aided track down her sister.

She tracked down different workers to help her pursuit and kept the tale of her sister’s vanishing alive in the media by giving numerous meetings to nearby news and radio.

What was the result of the misfortune? She made sense of on the digital recording that with time, the chance of her sister’s passing was likewise expanding, yet she and her family held almost no expectation. At the point when Mickey’s bicycle was found a couple of days after the fact, her family didn’t have a terrible inclination and didn’t imagine that something could have happened to her.

— charlie shunick (@grrrlcharlie) September 6, 2022

Rather, it gave them trust that something connected with Mickey was at long last found, and it might help in seeing as her. After Brandon was captured and the straw that broke the camel’s back that kept the expectation alive suffocated, Charlie began the Resource Association for Missing People in 2013 to help the groups of individuals who disappeared.